Parent Resources Empowering Parents to Achieve Our Mission

Parent Programming Opportunities

A Better Chance scholar and her momThe National Director of Programs publishes a newsletter for A Better Chance parents at the beginning of each month. The newsletter contains updates on programming and information about opportunities for Scholars.

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A Better Chance Parents TalkingParent Resource Groups are groups of parents who meet on a semester-long basis to provide one another information and engage with topics relevant to their Scholar’s independent school education. If you would like to learn more about PRGs, please reach out to Gabriela Valette (

Parents Listening IntentlyA Better Chance leadership holds semi-annual town hall meetings to provide parents updates on the community and to provide virtual opportunities for A Better Chance families to connect.

91% of our Parents believe that being in community with one another is important

The Transformational Nature of Education

A Better Chance put me on the path to have options that allowed me to travel around the world ten times over and currently have my dream job.

Michael Gary

There are no upcoming events.