1. Review Eligibility Information

You are eligible to apply if:

  • You identify as a person of color:
    Black/African American, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Latino/Hispanic, Native American, or Multiracial
  • Citizenship: Student is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States
  • Grades: Currently in grades 4 – 9
The ideal candidate for A Better Chance:
  • Has an overall academic average of a B+ or higher
  • Consistently performs at or above grade level in math and English
  • Participates in extracurricular activities
  • Demonstrates leadership potential
  • Family makes less than $350,000 per year
  • Can be the child of an A Better Chance Alumna/us

A Better Chance reserves the right to use income as a criterion for eligibility to best serve those in need of our services. If you have questions about income, please contact recruitment@abetterchance.org.

Each student applicant MUST have a unique email.

  • Upon completing the Inquiry Form, families will receive an email within two business days. The email will come from “Social Solutions” and allow you to access the A Better Chance Portal.
  • A Better Chance recommends parents create a unique Gmail account for each student applying because they will need to use a Gmail account if they are accepted to the program.

Create a Gmail account

Our application opens in early February. We have two application deadlines: Early Decision (early March) and Regular Decision (mid-April).

Early Decision

Deadline: March 3 at 11:59 PM EST

  • Application must be completed by the above date. 


  • Early Decision Notification: Families will receive a decision about their application in mid-April rather than having to wait until June.
  • Workshop Access: Families admitted under the Early Decision process will participate in a special day of workshops  introducing families to key components of the independent school and Community Schools Programs admissions processes.
  • Deferral to Regular Decision: Based on the reading of the A Better Chance application, a family may have their application moved to the Regular Decision applicant pool. There could be numerous reasons a family receives this decision. Families who receive this decision will learn of their final decision in June.

Regular Decision 

Deadline: April 15 at 11:59 PM EST

  • Application must be completed by the above date. 

2. Complete Inquiry Form Apply now! Fill out the Inquiry Form to begin your application process. Our application is open Feb 3 – April 15.



3. Applicant Components

Your family will receive an email from Social Solutions granting you access to the A Better Chance portal. Families will need to submit applicant components (listed below) in the application portal.

If you would like to watch a tutorial on the A Better Chance application please click here.

Report Cards:

  • Last Year: Last year's final report card 
  • This Year: Most recent report card

Example: The family of a 4th grade student applying for 6th grade would need to submit current grades for 4th grade and a report card from 3rd grade.

Families will need to submit one of the following:

  • The first two pages of all forms 1040 of the family’s most recent Federal Tax Return
  • Any employer-issued W2s
  • Any forms 1099 for miscellaneous income

Families may submit an optional letter of recommendation from a Math or English Language teacher. If submitting a letter of recommendation is at all prohibitive to your family, we are happy to waive the recommendation letter requirement for you. Families who solicit a recommendation will do so by submitting the teacher's information within the A Better Chance portal.

Have questions about the application process?