Career Week Career Exploration
A Better Chance Career Week is a virtual, national event held to facilitate career exploration for current Scholars and college-aged Alumni. The week-long event engages A Better Chance Career Partners and other community members as experts to provide programming and other content.
Public Sessions
We invite everyone to participate in the opening and closing sessions of A Better Chance Career Week! You can join each session using the information below.
Scholars & Alumni wishing to participate in Career Week sessions should check their email for the Career Week Catalogue.
Opening Session
Closing Session
Career Week by the Numbers
Featured Speakers
Opening Session
Ted Archer
Executive Director, Head of Business Partner Diversity JPMorgan Chase & Co
Chadaé Chang Bowler
Marketing Strategist & Consultant
Johára Tucker
Chief of Equity & Belonging The Dalton School
Tiffani Brown
President Compani B. Management Inc.
Closing Session
Shellye Archambeau
Fortune 500 board director, strategic advisor, former CEO and author
Sadasia McCutchen
VP of Community and Growth Capital G
Jarron Smith
Chief Operating Office Zeal Capital Partners
Watch The 2021 Career Week Opening Ceremony!
Thank You To Our Sponsors
A Better Chance could not execute Career Week without the generous support from our corporate partners.