Uncovering Talent... Unleashing Lifelong Opportunities

Three Generations of Building Society’s Leaders

For 60 years, A Better Chance has placed high-performing students of color into the nation’s leadership pipeline through increased access to the nation’s top independent and public schools.

1 Applicant

A family submits an A Better Chance application

2 Candidate

A student and their family are accepted to A Better Chance

3 Scholar

A student and their family enrolls at an A Better Chance Member School

How Our Program Impacts Lives

in financial aid leveraged in 2020
scholars and their families served per year
of A Better Chance graduating seniors enroll in college
students placed at member schools per year

Our Alumni Highlight Our Success

ABC Alumni are leaders in a variety of sectors from business, finance, education, healthcare, the arts and beyond. They represent the mission of A Better Chance and for that we are proud to call them our own. It is an exciting time to be a part of the A Better Chance community. Attend an event, volunteer, and support the Scholars of today.

Partnerships Access diverse talent and make positive social change

A Better Chance is eager to partner with corporations and foundations aligned with our mission to help students of color achieve their full potential and want to join our critical work in building a pipeline of diverse leaders.

Among our partners:

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  • News

A Better Chance Hosts 2024 Fall Benefit Dinner to Support Educational Access

New York, NY – October 22, 2024 – A Better Chance, the preeminent organization for identifying, recruiting and developing leaders among underrepresented young people of color throughout the United States,…